
Man or Astro-Man?- Destroy All Astromen [Full Album]

[postlink]http://rockertube.blogspot.com/2014/12/httpwww.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOld-kvQYm0endofvid [starttext] 00:00 reverb 10,000 02:15 name of numbers 03:39 popcorn crabula 05:35 a mouthful of exhaust 07:31 of sex and demise 09:31 joker's wild 11:46 intoxica 13:25 mystery meat 16:00 the heavies (let's surf the river of blood) 17:47 madness in the streets 19:25 espanto del futuro 21:17 mystery science theater 3000 love theme 22:39 landlocked 24:23 bombora 26:25 gargantua's last stand 28:49 you can't get good riblets in space 29:40 bermuda triange shorts 31:49 taco wagon 33:55 the vortex beyond 36:08 destination venus 39:13 time bomb 45:19 [endtext]